Saturday, February 13, 2010

Record snow and more on the CBB

Well kind of a slow day today. We had a record breaking snow around here. It is slowly melting and about 41 degrees. I don’t think it will get much warmer today. I’ve placed a couple of photos so all can see.

The dogs seem to be making the best of it. Little White pup just don’t know what to think with the snow up past his feet. First few hours he looked like a Greyhound making laps around the fence. He’s calmed down now and just tracking the floor up! Oh well, he’s just a pup. The Brown pup is old enough to now care and you have to make her go outside to take care of business.

I spent the morning working on my son’s CBB (Cigar Box Bass). I feel I made good headway. I believe the tuners will work. You can see at the top of the neck I have the holes drilled for the string to come through. I need to drill small holes through the things I have for the string stops. We use those gizmos to hold plan sets together. They worked really well on my 4 string. The strings will be tied around the wing nuts for adjusting to tune on the other end. The Deer Horn seems to give me just enough elevation to make a good break point for a bridge. I laid a piece of 1/4 x 1 ½ oak down for a fret board and the old ½ in wrench up against it. I placed a straight edge from the deer horn to the wrench (turned on end). That looked to me like it was going to give me a pretty good action. I’m just wandering how much tension those base strings put on a neck? They are big but they don’t seem to need a lot of tension to make the correct tone. I’ll look around and see what I can find out. This looked like a good place to stop for the weekend.

Although as I sit and look at it. I just might need to string it up with some weed eater string and fishing line just to see what it sounds like. A test run might be in order. We will just have to see what time brings.