Then they tackled some left over brick that had been used to make a flower bed. Well those things had been there so long that they were full of roots. Some roots had gone though the holes and surrounded the brick. I’d say they had been there a day or two.
Those two have been following me around with a paint brush and roller too. We have completed painting all the ceilings and walls. I understand now why people say closets are hard. I agree. The closets were not too much fun. I worked on them with one of them Robie sprayers. We got along pretty good until one day I won sprayer lost. I had been on a constant cleaning vigilance with the spray nozzle. I tried everything I knew to keep that thing working. I tried adding lubricant, straining through one of those store-bought strainers, adding a little water. It just always seemed to stop up. And then the bad day happened. I was insisting on using this thing and of course at this time I’m doing ceilings. Here I am up on top of an 8” ladder and just filled up the gun. Well lo and behold the thing came off. I was sorda lucky you know. It did not get all over the walls. Nope, it hit flat on the bottom and shot straight up like a volcano. Just as I was looking down!! Yep, my glasses went white and I just bit my tong, went and got a roller and almost did not clean up the Robie!!! Haven’t used it sence. The wife and boy kicked in and did not say a word. They even commented on calm I was. Then we got through painting even quicker!
I got started on Weldon’s bathroom recently by striping it down to the 2x4’s. I ordered a new oversized pan and dropped it in. In doing so I had to fur out the backside 6 ½ inches. That turned out really nice. I dropped in a couple of extra 2x8’s and a seat seemed to pop out with a small shelf. Mom thinks there needs to be a sunken shelf for nice little things. Well since it is custom why not dream a little. So I asked Weldon if he might want anything special to go with it. He thought a Texas Flag would be cool. I said why not!! I’ll let everyone wait and see how I do it. I think it will turn out nice. I dropped a couple of photos along the way of us going through the house. Hope you enjoyed them.
I been hearing about Mule deer down south so I might need to check my sights.